Hamlet full movie 2009
Hamlet full movie 2009

hamlet full movie 2009

As a matter of fact, if the tone were to change to a serious tone instead of a sarcastic one, the whole play would change dramatically. When this is done in the film, Tennant is not just reciting it with a regular tone, but was able to add a sarcastic tone that enabled the audience to understand Hamlet’s intentions that is to mock them. When Hamlet says, “Is it a free visitation?” it can easily be seen that he is being sarcastic when reading it, but it is more complicated when it is performed. For example, when Hamlet is speaking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, after been sent by the Queen, he speaks with a very sarcastic tone. Tennant is able to reproduce Hamlet’s tone perfectly from the play to the movie. Too bad we can’t combine her and Tennant!Įven though I don’t like David Tennant as an actor and think that his role as Hamlet in the movie just made me dislike him even more (Sorry Tennant fan girls), I do believe that his adaption of Hamlet was pretty successful because of his performance and clothing. Then there’s Helena Bonham Carter, who is my favorite for the role. If you’re curious, here’s Branagh’s version of “To be or not to be,” and a bit of utter, straight-jacketed madness from Kate Winslet as Ophelia. Please post your 250 – 500 word response before midnight on Wednesday 12 November. (You’re welcome to assess Tenant himself, but please note that you will automatically lose 2 points per standard if you do anything but praise his performance. For instance, did you find Hamlet too manic and immature in the play-within-a-play scene? Was this doddering Polonius what you imagined when you read the original, or were you looking for a more devious interpretation? What’s your take on Ophelia’s unraveling, or on Gertrude’s portrayal of mental anguish as she chooses between her husband and her son? Be as specific as possible in your evaluation, citing particulars of the character’s appearance, movements, and costume or the props, blocking, lighting, shots and sound used in the scene you focus on.

hamlet full movie 2009

You can’t tell me he’s not adorable as a lunatic.įor this post, please choose either (a) a scene or (b) a character from Tennant’s Hamlet, and evaluate the success of the adaptation.

Hamlet full movie 2009